Creating a Mission Statement - Week 2 of My Service to Self Journey

>> Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This week I am going to add in the addition of the Weight Release workbook and the webinar videos. My intention this week is to create a personal mission statement for this part of my journey. I've done this in the past, but I'm really in a different place now than I was when I created the other mission statements. I'm going to put a lot of thought into this and try to come up a mission statement that fits me now.

What is a personal mission statement?

This is the clearly defined reason for the choices you make. This should be a positive, life affirming statement, which illustrates what you want in your life. This statement helps to focus your decisions and support your positive choices. (Source : Weight Release Workbook)

How to create your personal mission statement?

Your mission statement shouldn't be result orientated, it should be quality of experience orientated.

Do some inner work and ask yourself a few questions:
  • What do you ultimately want for your life?
  • What do you want your spirituality to be like?
  • How do you want to be in relationship to food?
  • How do you want to be in relationship to yourself?
The list can involve many aspects of your life. I'm going to keep my mission statement fairly focused right now on just a few areas of my life.  Later on I'll be doing a vision and I can include more things there as well.

Keep it positive!

Don't put negative statements in your mission statement. Keep the Law of Attraction in mind when you are writing. The energy you put out is what you will get back. "I will" and "I am" statements are great!

Repeat it and believe it!

Once you have your mission statement written put it on a 3x5 card and carry it with you, or post it somewhere where you will see it often. This will help you keep your focus on what you truly want and you'll start to believe and see your life aligning with your mission statement.

Have you ever created a personal mission statement?

Stephen Covey is well-known for his approach to personal, family and business management through mission statements. Here is a link to his website. Maybe check out what he has to say about creating a mission statement if you would like more ideas of where begin.

I also found an online Mission Statement Builder, if you would like to try that out as well.

If you feel led, I hope that you'll join me in this exercise. If you are open to sharing what you come up with I would love to read your mission statement (in your own blog or in the comments) and offer support for your journey.


***Service To Self and the Weight Release Program used with permission from Freeman Michaels. To learn more about Service To Self, Weight Release, or Freeman Michaels please visit his website.***

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