My Mission Statement

>> Thursday, March 10, 2011

Last week I wrote a post about how to create a personal mission statement. I've had a very busy week (which is why this post is a little late), but I've been thinking about my mission statement quite often while I was quietly working on things or when I was able to steal some quiet time. I really found this exercise to be challenging. Not in a this is really hard, kind of way, but more of not bringing every aspect of my life into this mission statement. I wanted to stay focused on what I want for myself. What I hope to learn as I go through this journey. So here is what I have come up with.

I am putting myself first, so that I can give from my heart to those around me.
I am loving myself and accepting all the parts of my life and myself.
I am letting go of expectations and releasing my wild woman.
I am learning to live a life filled with peace, love, and joy - day by day, moment by moment.
I am I am open to growth and change as I learn navigate a new path, so that I can live a full and inspired life.

How about you? Did you create a personal mission statement? I would love to see what you came up with and support you on your journey. I hope you'll share in the comments or leave a link to your blog post.


***Service To Self and the Weight Release Program used with permission from Freeman Michaels. To learn more about Service To Self, Weight Release, or Freeman Michaels please visit his website.***


30 Day New Proactiv Challenge Follow-Up

>> Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back in Decemeber I took the 30 Proactiv Challenge. Since then life has been chaotic and I am finally getting a chance to tell you what I thought of my first experience with Proactiv.

The most memorable moment was the very first day I used the 3 step system. My face was in desperate need of help. When I used the cleanser, toner and moisturizer for the first time I knew I was going to love this.  My skin felt so clean but not too clean, and my skin instantly felt smoother.

The product was very light - in the way that it felt and the way it smelled. I don't like strong smelling beauty products and this one was just perfect.

In the first week I noticed that it was a little too drying for my skin, so I cut back to using the system every other day. This worked perfectly for me. I was able to enjoy the benefits of not experiencing breakouts yet not have super dry, flaky skin.

Two of my children (pre-teen and teen) also gave the product a try for a few days, as well, and they both really liked the way their skin felt after using it.

If you struggle with acne I would absolutely recommend this product to you. It really does live up to all of the commercial hype!

Disclosure – I participated in the New Proactiv Canada program hosted by Mom Central on behalf of Guthy-Renker. I received a 30-day trial kit and a gift card as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.


Creating a Mission Statement - Week 2 of My Service to Self Journey

>> Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This week I am going to add in the addition of the Weight Release workbook and the webinar videos. My intention this week is to create a personal mission statement for this part of my journey. I've done this in the past, but I'm really in a different place now than I was when I created the other mission statements. I'm going to put a lot of thought into this and try to come up a mission statement that fits me now.

What is a personal mission statement?

This is the clearly defined reason for the choices you make. This should be a positive, life affirming statement, which illustrates what you want in your life. This statement helps to focus your decisions and support your positive choices. (Source : Weight Release Workbook)

How to create your personal mission statement?

Your mission statement shouldn't be result orientated, it should be quality of experience orientated.

Do some inner work and ask yourself a few questions:
  • What do you ultimately want for your life?
  • What do you want your spirituality to be like?
  • How do you want to be in relationship to food?
  • How do you want to be in relationship to yourself?
The list can involve many aspects of your life. I'm going to keep my mission statement fairly focused right now on just a few areas of my life.  Later on I'll be doing a vision and I can include more things there as well.

Keep it positive!

Don't put negative statements in your mission statement. Keep the Law of Attraction in mind when you are writing. The energy you put out is what you will get back. "I will" and "I am" statements are great!

Repeat it and believe it!

Once you have your mission statement written put it on a 3x5 card and carry it with you, or post it somewhere where you will see it often. This will help you keep your focus on what you truly want and you'll start to believe and see your life aligning with your mission statement.

Have you ever created a personal mission statement?

Stephen Covey is well-known for his approach to personal, family and business management through mission statements. Here is a link to his website. Maybe check out what he has to say about creating a mission statement if you would like more ideas of where begin.

I also found an online Mission Statement Builder, if you would like to try that out as well.

If you feel led, I hope that you'll join me in this exercise. If you are open to sharing what you come up with I would love to read your mission statement (in your own blog or in the comments) and offer support for your journey.


***Service To Self and the Weight Release Program used with permission from Freeman Michaels. To learn more about Service To Self, Weight Release, or Freeman Michaels please visit his website.***


Changing My View From Failure to Setback

Last week my first intention towards wholeness was to re-read Weight Release A Liberating Journey. This is probably the 4th time (at least) that I have read this book in less than a year. I absolutely love this book. Every time I read it, I learn something new. I think it's probably because every time I read it I'm in a different place in my life so certain things just really click.

While reading the book this week I took copious amounts of notes. This is the first time I've actually done that while reading Weight Release. There is no way I can share everything in this post that spoke to me while reading; so I will be including some of it further along in my journey as I explore different aspects of my life.

There is one part though that I want to share today. This really puts into perspective where I am at and have been for the last few months.
If you are going to climb, if you are going to challenge yourself to expand beyond your present circumstances, you will ultimately be forced with setback.

However, if you view the setbacks as temporary and you truly grasp the learning opportunity in the experience, you will ultimately reach new heights.
Back in November when I miscarried, everything just stopped. Before that point I was really moving forward in my life. I was applying the things I learned in Weight Release, and I was releasing weight, but more importantly I was really beginning to have a deep, personal, loving relationship with myself.

Then November 22 came, and it all stopped. Even though everyone told me and even though deep down I know it wasn't my fault; there was a voice inside of me trying to convince me that - I was too overweight too carry a baby, that my previous c-section was the cause & if I'd just done ____ then I wouldn't have had the c-section, that I had done too much those first weeks and I should have taken it easy, that...and the list goes on.

Everyone told me to take care of myself, be kind to myself, give myself time...didn't they realize Christmas was coming? I didn't have time to "fall apart". I figured if I did what they said, that's exactly what would happen - I would fall apart. I've never felt grief and pain like that. And I felt like I was so new into my journey and trying to approach things differently - I didn't know how to cope or how I would cope. So I made a conscious decision to do what I know. I shoved my emotions down (literally) and continued on - because Christmas was coming & people were depending on me.

But what about me?

I've spent the last 3 months (roughly) feeding my feelings - finding comfort in food. When the voices get loud I quiet them with distractions - cleaning, music, anything so that I don't have to sit quietly and feel the pain and now the hate. The hate is back. I hate that I have put on weight - the voice that says "well it's your fault; you've done this too yourself". The voice that says you are no good. So many negative thoughts have crept their way back in...

So that's the brutal honesty of where I am at. But it's just a setback. That's all. There is another quote that really struck me when reading:
Pain is a part of life but suffering is optional. ~ Dr. Ron Hulnick
Today I am no longer going to suffer. I'm going to forgive myself for buying into the negative voices, for not being courageous and working through my pain and grief, for not putting myself first and loving myself. I am blessed. Really! I know what is possible. I've already started to walk in the path of self-love. I know what that feels like. I know that it's not always going to be easy and this pain that I've felt may not be the only time I will feel it, but I can learn how to navigate it better. I can learn how to keep my peace, love, and joy in times of great sorrow. I want to take a leap of faith and get off the path I am on. Amazing things are on the horizon.

Living well is an art that can be developed: 
a love of life and ability to take great pleasure from small offerings and 
assurance that the world owes you nothing and that every gift is exactly that, a gift.
~Maya Angelou

Because this post is already exceptionally long, I'm going to put my intentions for this week in a separate post.



Today I Begin - Becoming My Best Me

>> Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yesterday I was talking to a friend, giving her some advice (hmm I wonder now if that advice was wanted...). Basically I was telling her just to "do." How she's read all the books and she's made lots of plans and at some point she just has to do. How that waiting to for the "perfect plan" or the "perfect starting point" is holding her back from actually achieving what she says she wants.

Well, no sooner had I finished telling this to her, when I heard a voice tell me "You're one to talk. Maybe you should try taking your own advice." gasp! But it's true. I've been doing the same thing as my friend, just in a different area of my life.

I came up with this (what I think is) a great vision regarding some of my "New Year's Goals" & self-love. I've been putting off getting started for many different reasons - waiting for the "perfect day", the "perfect title", someone else to give me the go-ahead. Really what I think it all boils own to is resistance - fear of the unknown (which really isn't that unknown), fear of the work that I know is going to be involved, fear of letting go of...well, a lot of things.

*Deep breath*

But I know what is on the other side of that fear is the gold. I have to walk through the metaphorical fire to get to the gold.  So many times we imagine that fire to be a lot bigger and hotter than it really ends up being too.  I want that gold! I can see the gold; I can visualize the life I want. So today I start the journey - My Service To Self Journey - Becoming My Best Me.

I have a basic idea (vision) of what I want to do on this journey. I'm sure as things progress my ideals may change and that's okay too. If you've read my blog before you know that I have worked with Freeman Michaels in the past doing the Weight-Release Program. The Weight-Release program at the core is so much more than just about weight; it's about changing your life. So I've decided I'm going to start this week with re-reading Weight-Release A Liberating Journey.

Each week for however long (I really only have a vision - the plan will just happen); I'm going to work on some aspect of my life that I want to change or cultivate.

This is going to be an exciting journey! I'm so excited to see how this is going to unfold and how my life is going to change for the better. Hold on for the ride - it might get bumpy but it's sure to be exciting!

Play with life, laugh with life, dance lightly with life, and smile at the riddles of life, knowing that life’s only true lessons are writ small in the margin. Whatever you want in life, start today. Not tomorrow - today. Let it be a small beginning - a tiny beginning. Your happiness depends on starting today - every day! LIVE!   ~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie.

***Service To Self and the Weight Release Program used with permission from Freeman Michaels. To learn more about Service To Self, Weight Release, or Freeman Michaels please visit his website.***



Remember to Breathe

>> Sunday, January 9, 2011

just breathe

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button, boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe... just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe

~ Anna Nalick, Breathe (2am)


You Hold the Key to Your Happiness

>> Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Key, originally uploaded by lydiafairy

The key to your happiness you hold in your hands
Though others may try to claim control
You know your talents; you know your dreams
You understand the passions that breathe life into your soul

Take that key and unlock the door
And walk into a new life on the other side
Over that threshold a new adventure may await
Your happiness is certain; it cannot be denied

Remember to be grateful for the life you build
And the dreams that became your inspiration
Be thankful for the hope and joy you find
And the gift of courage and determination

Share with others the simple truth
Our happiness is what we want it to be
If we take the key and open the door
We break out of self-made prisons and set ourselves free



Organize This, Organize That

>> Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Getting organized is one of the top five New Year's resolutions people make."
~Standolyn Robertson, president of the National Association of Professional Organizers
Did you make a resolution to get organized this year? I think the majority of us make this resolution in one way or another. My resolution was to set up household routines and stick to them so that I can have more fun. Part of that will be getting things organized, so yeah, I made that resolution too. :) I can certainly understand why so many of us make these types of resolutions. The new year symbolizes a "fresh start." And our external environment is often a reflection of our internal environment - a cluttered home (or work space) reflects a cluttered mind.

Since January is National Get-Organized Month, I thought I would list some tips and tools for getting organized.

Lighten Up: Feng shui experts have found that well-lit areas tend to have less clutter. Look around your home and see if this is true for you. I know it is for me! If it's cloudy or dark in the house I feel like I can get by with doing less - I don't see the dust and mess as clear as I would if it were bright in the house. Add some brighter lamps, open up the curtains - let the sun shine in.

A Home for Loose Items: We all have these areas in our homes, they tend to be the hot spots - where we set all the little things that seem to float around the house (magazines, remotes, keys). Find a basket for each type of item so that it will have a home - other than the flat surface you are trying to keep clean.

Store items close to where they are used: Does your family play games in the living room? Set a nearby shelf or closet aside to store them. Do you craft? Think about setting up a crafting area near where you craft. Storing items close to where we use them increases the likely hood that they will be put away when we are finished with them.

Websites: There are a ton of organizational websites out there for your use. Here a  few that I use on a regular basis.
  • Organized Home - Clean House, Cut Clutter, Get Organized at Home!
  • Flylady - Creating routines, decluttering, cleaning by zones all 15 minutes at a time. Flylady's system is done using a Household Notebook. I personally love the notebook but I pick and choose what I use from the Flylady site. It doesn't all work for me.
  • My Messy House - I use this for my Weekly House Blessing (Flylady term). Flylady has WHB on hour a week, that's impossible for me no matter how hard I try. So I use the My Messy House plan to do my WHB one room (lucky room of the day) per day (Monday - Friday).
  • S.H.E.'s Organized - This is the home of Pam Young and Peggy Jones' Sidetracked Home Executives™ household management system. This is where I started. I am a proud SHE. This system is often referred to as being "in the box". It's set up with 3x5 cards and a box holder. I have incorporated a lot of Pam & Peggy's system into my Household Notebook.
Apps: I am sure there are a lot more apps and computer programs you can use for helping you get organized but here are just a few I use or have tried.
  • Google Calendar - You can use this in place of a household notebook. I also have a few friends that use Outlook instead of a notebook. 
  • Cozi - This is a free online organizer (there is also a free mobile app). You can use it for appointments, lists, blogging and you can share with family members online too!
  • Home Routines - This an app for the itouch/iphone. This is one of my favorite organizational apps. I love this app. I have recommended this app to a few friends on Twitter too and they have loved it too. It is one app that is absolutely worth buying. One friend bought an itouch just to download this app. :)
  • Awesome Note - This is another app for the itouch/iphone/ipad. I just downloaded it this weekend and I love this app as well. There are so many things you can do with this app - it's amazing. It ranks right up there with the Home Routines app and I've only had it about 3 days. 
So go have some fun getting organized this year! Remember this though - motivation follows action. Don't let yourself stop you from reaching your goals. Waiting for the motivation to strike or waiting until (insert whatever you are waiting for) often results in never reaching our goals. Vision what you want and then just go for it! Once you start working towards your goal, you'll be surprised how much motivation you will find to continue. Progress not perfection - life, organizing, loving ourselves -it's all a journey!

Do you have any tips or tricks for getting and staying organized? I'd love to hear them!


Photo here


Menu Plan Monday - January 2 - 8

>> Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to my first Menu of 2011! Wow! It's hard to believe another brand new year has started. Hopefully (crossing my fingers) I will be very diligent this year about consistently posting my menu plan. I always make a menu but posting...well...that hasn't been my strong point. :)

So enough with the chatting let's get to the menu!

Please note - I use organic, local ingredients when possible. Also the recipes usually call for all- purpose flour. I usually use a mix of 1/2 whole wheat & 1/2 white or just all whole wheat. Remember a recipe is just something to go by, feel free to change them up for health/your family's tastes.

Healthy Eating Menu for Mommy{Sunday - Saturday}

  • Sunday: 1 cup oatmeal, 2 TB slivered almonds, 2 TB raw pumpkin seeds, 2 TB dried cranberries, 1 cup almond mylk.
  • Monday: 2 slices Ezekiel bread toasted, 1 boiled egg, 2 tsp butter, 1/2 cup blueberries
  • Tuesday: 3/4 cup Kashi Go Lean, 1/2 cup almond mylk, 1 pear
  • Wednesday: 1 Ezekiel English Muffin, 2 TB natural peanut butter, small orange
  • Thursday:  2 slices Ezekiel bread toasted, 1 scrambled egg, 2 tsp butter, 1/2 cup blueberries
  • Friday: 3/4 cup Kashi Go Lean, 1/2 cup almond mylk, 1/2 cup strawberries
  • Saturday: 2 egg omelet with mushrooms & peppers, 1 slice Ezekiel toast, 1 tsp butter, small orange
AM Snack: 
  • Sunday: 10 raw almonds, 1 clementine
  • Monday: Yogurt cup , 1 cup blueberries
  • Tuesday: 10 raw almonds, 1 cup grapes
  • Wednesday: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup pineapple
  • Thursday: 10 raw almonds, small banana
  • Friday: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup mixed fruit
  • Saturday: Yogurt cup, 1 cup blackberries
  • Sunday: Homemade Soup & Salad
  • Monday: Hummus & veggie wrap or sandwich
  • Tuesday: Glop Bowl (Couple cups of baby spinach, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup beans & salsa)
  • Wednesday: Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese Sandwich
  • Thursday: Glop Bowl (Couple cups of baby spinach, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup beans & salsa)
  • Friday: Hummus & veggie wrap or sandwich
  • Saturday: Homemade Soup & Salad
PM Snack:
Toddler Menu {Monday - Friday}

  • Monday: Yogurt & monkey platter (variety plate of cut up fruits)
  • Tuesday: Whole grain organic frozen waffle, pears and 1/4 cup milk
  • Wednesday: scrambled egg, cinnamon toast squares (whole grain bread lightly toasted)
  • Thursday: French toast, peaches, and 1/4 cup milk
  • Friday: Organic oatmeal, fruit and 1/4 cup milk
Mid-Morning Snack:
  • Monday: Orange Wedges & 1/4 cup milk
  • Tuesday: Banana &  1/4 cup milk
  • Wednesday: Zucchini bread &  1/4 cup milk
  • Thursday: Yogurt & animal crackers
  • Friday: Fruit slices & 1/4 cup milk
  • Monday: Homemade chicken nuggets & oven fries, blueberries & 1/4 cup milk
  • Tuesday: Healthy Baby's First Pizza, soft cooked veggie sticks & 1/4 cup milk
  • Wednesday: Pasta in tomato sauce, cheese dough sticks, diced fruit & 1/4 cup milk
  • Thursday: Macaroni & Cheese, strawberries & 1/4 cup milk
  • Friday: Small Monkey Platter & 1/4 cup milk
Afternoon Snack:
  • Monday: yogurt & graham cracker
  • Tuesday: Monkey Platter (can be shared with big kids after school)
  • Wednesday: Toast with peanut butter & 1/4 cup milk
  • Thursday: Orange slice & 1/4 cup milk
  • Friday: Raisin Oatmeal Cookie & 1/4 cup milk
Regular Cooked Menu {Monday - Friday}

  • Monday: Oatmeal, juice or milk
  • Tuesday: Waffles, juice or milk
  • Wednesday: Homemade fruit bread, yogurt, juice or milk
  • Thursday: Oatmeal, juice or milk
  • Friday:  Scrambled egg sandwich, juice or milk
  • Monday: Sub sandwiches, veggies & dip {holiday}
  • Tuesday: Whole wheat bagel sandwiches, potato salad, veggies & dip, fruit, juice & water
  • Wednesday: Leftovers, apple slices, veggies & dip, fruit bread, juice & water
  • Thursday: California Roll-up, orange wedges, veggies & dip, fruit bread, juice & water
  • Friday:  Pizza Roll-Up, yogurt, veggie sticks & pieces of fruit, juice & water
  • Sunday: Leftovers
  • Monday: Spaghetti Supper @ friends
  • Tuesday:  Crock Pot Pork Roast with veggies
  • Wednesday: Kielbasa & potato skillet (saurkraut instead of potatoes for me)
  • Thursday: Honey Soy Stir Fried Chicken, Brown Rice & Roast Broccoli
  • Friday:  Homemade Pizza & Salad 
  • Saturday: Homemade Chicken & Noddle Soup, Salad.
Need more menu planning ideas? Then head over to Laura's @ I'm an Organizing Junkie for at least a 100 more links to great menus!

Organizing Junkie


Not Pretty and That's Okay!

>> Sunday, January 2, 2011

The word pretty is unworthy of everything you will be, and no child of mine will be contained in five letters.
“You will be pretty intelligent, 
pretty creative, 
pretty amazing. 
But you, will never be merely 'pretty'.”
~Katie Makkai

I love listening to this poem by Katie Makkai.  I have probably listened to it at least 10-15 times, since the first time I heard it. The words are so true. As women, society as a whole puts a lot of pressure on us to be pretty. I have never felt pretty as far back as I can remember and this poem helped me realize it's okay not to be pretty. It's more than okay. Why should I want to be just pretty? I am so much more than pretty. It's easy to get down on ourselves about our looks - I hope this poem will help you realize being 'pretty' isn't really as worthy of a goal as we might think in the moment. 

I'm working on falling in love with myself. That means loving me for who I am and not what I think I look like. I know I am my own worst critic. I hope that if you need it, this post can help you work towards loving yourself more too. If we can't love ourselves how can we really love anyone else the way they should be loved? We owe it to ourselves to fall in love with ourselves. 



A New Beginning

>> Saturday, January 1, 2011

Every beginning has an end
Here we are at the start of a brand new year. I've been thinking about the end of 2010 and the start of a new year for a couple of weeks. There is something about a new year that is exciting to me. It's like an unopened book and I can't wait to see what is going to happen. 

I don't know about you but every year I've set New Year's Resolutions only to fail the same day or to start off strong and fade off a few weeks later.  This year I've decided to take a different approach. I'm going to set some intentions and keep in mind I have the whole year (and the rest of my life really) to make these intentions a reality. I'm really starting to understand that life really is a journey. I'm never going to fully arrive. You know what I mean? There is never going to be a day where I am able to say "okay, well I love myself enough now I don't need to work on that anymore". But to think that every day I can work on loving myself more and more; I can work on being a healthier me every single day; I can become a better mom & wife every day. Wow! What a journey this can will be!

My vision board created at Digital Dreamboard

Goals & Intentions for 2011

Physical Health & Fitness
  1.  Make good self-honoring choices when it comes to food
  2. Practice mindful eating
  3. *work on establishing a healthy relationship with food
  4. Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day
  5. *yoga *wii game *walk
  6. Go to sleep at a reasonable hour (10pm Every day)
Spiritual Health
  1. Make time for myself every day to take a hot bath or meditate
  2. Read a book or watch a movie each week that inspires me to think, feel, or do.
  3. Write morning pages
  4. *Complete The Artist’s Way
  5. Set a daily intention
  6. Read morning message from Good Morning
  7. Start a notebook with my favourite quotes
  8. (Emerson instructed us to “Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your reading have been to you like the blast of triumph out of Shakespeare, Seneca, Moses, John and Paul.”)
Personal Growth
  1. Set up & follow household routines; so I will have more time for fun
  2. Work towards establishing my self-worth/fall in love with myself
  3. Date myself for 1 hour every week
Family Goals
  1. Spend less time online in the evenings
  2. Plan activities for us to do as a family for fun (1 day or evening a week)
  3. *Dinner & a Movie *Local family outings *Family game night *Ask kids for ideas
  4. Complete the 20 Days to Being a More Mindful Mother blog challenge
Relationship with Spouse
  1. Complete the Love Dare
  2. Plan time to spend together alone to concentrate on building our relationship
  3. *Date night (out or at home)
  4. Practice really listening without rushing to judgement
  5. Practice communicating effectively
Goals for Fun!
  1. Blog every day (either on main blog and/or one of the sub-blogs)
  2. *Work on building my blog(s) *Comment on at least 5 blogs every day *Set up a blog routine & be able to have blogs in draft for future posting
  3. 365 Project – take a picture daily & put on Flicker
  4. Craft – Set aside time each week to create
  5. *get enough stuff made up to open up an store
Financial Goals
  1. Create & Follow a budget
  2. Think about money in abundance
Business Goals
  1. Enter accounting weekly
  2. Set up monthly in-store classes
  3. Create website for the store
  4. Be more active on social networking sites
Did you set any new year intentions? I'd love to hear about them! Happy New Year!!


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